Anchor & tag emissions

Knowledge base article

Some of our users occasionally raise concern about the power, radiation, emissions, etc from the Tracker whilst wearing it on the body or on/near the head.

Whilst this may seem concerning, we would like to show how our adopted technology (UWB) can operate perfectly safely, with little concern for problems. Of course, UWB is a professional technology, and is therefore regulated with standards to ensure safety for all concerned. 

The diagram below shows us various technologies for delivering data.

We can see ‘Power Spectral Density’ on the Y-axis, think of this more simply as the transmission power of the relevant components. In the case of Follow-Me this is the transmitting power of an Anchor or Tracker. Governed by UWB standards, this means our transmission power is -41.3 dBm/MHz, this is incredibly low compared to the other technologies.

The diagram below shows you the massive power difference between UWB and the others (including GPS and even your Smartphone). The conversion to Watts helps you see that the tracker using UWB is a mere fraction (nano Watts) of the power coming from the other potential devices – there is simply no need for concern.

At Follow-Me, the performer is always in the spotlight, we take this seriously even when it comes to safety concerns and the impact of our technology.

Posted in: System Setup (Follow-Me Track-iT)