There are 3 main methods of integrating Follow-Me into your lighting infrastructure:
Method 1: Follow-Me does the merge
The easiest way to integrate Follow-Me into your system is to output Art-Net from your console straight to Follow-Me. The software will read the incoming data and merge this with the data from Follow-Me. For each channel that we want to control with Follow-Me, the incoming values are being ignored and the values from Follow-Me are being added. All the channels that we do not intend to control are passed through to the output universe.
To achieve this the Follow-Me software has an Input Universe and an Output Universe. The input is what the console is sending out, the Output is what Follow-Me is sending to the lighting rig. The nodes are then set up to output the Output Universe from Follow-Me and your system is up and running.
Method 2: Merging in an Art-Net / sACN node
It is also possible to do the merge in an Art-net node. In this case, both the lighting desk and Follow-Me will output different universes on the network for the same fixtures.
When a more in-depth merge is required we recommend the merge to happen in the Art-Net node. This is especially recommended when multiple Follow-Me systems are being used to control multiple targets with the fixtures connected in the same universe. In this scenario, the Art-Net from the console and all the Follow-Me systems are being connected to the same network individually. Each control source gets set up with its own settings and universe numbers.
In the node, we now determine which control source is controlling which fixture and how the merge needs to happen.
Method 3: Merging in the lighting console
Merging in a lighting console is possible for Follow-Me to work. However, it requires a great deal of knowledge of the lighting console to get this to work. Follow-Me outputs Art-Net as an input to your lighting console and the merge is done within the lighting console.
If you have any questions regarding our products, please do not hesitate to contact us!